v2.6.0: Update libraries and minor improvements


  • In the admin area, while apply the modal forms, a page is always refreshes. Sometimes it is very hurt, and now each module decides whether to reload the page after applying;
  • Tools now removed from installation list;
  • Language packages are now loaded before __construct() of modules, so you can work with translations in it;
  • Updated to the latest versions jquery, jquery ui, bootstrap, CKEditor and his plugins

Module pages

  • Earlier in the meta tags of the page you can add only the title, keywords and description. Now, if the key of meta is starts on meta_ or en_meta_, it automatically goes into page header. Also added the ability to specify opengraph properties on the same principle, meta_og:title


  • Fixed support for multilingual sites. Now in the list displayed pages from all languages, not just the current one.

iblock dataTable

  • Added new argument: filter="type=2" allows filter by one field
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