Branch 3.x goes to GitHub

After more than a year of searching of free time, the study of frameworks and rethinking the approach to the structure, algorithms and code, I'm proud to ready to announce that the project will live. The main changes, which adopted a policy, the improvement of tools for creating new modules and simplifying work of content managers.

Alpha version of the third branch is available here:

What is done:

  • The core or mini-framework with basic services, such as caching, templating, routing;
  • The minimal bunch of functions for module installation and work in the admin panel (used for the default modules);
  • CSRF-guard for requests;
  • Administrator authentication;
  • The installer for browser and console;
  • A piece of module for working with the themes;
  • Examples of theme and module, which does nothing (soon to go into separate repositories);

Now project is available for download only via the composer, because I'm not uploaded archive with vendor folder to release.

In the near future it will be completed new admin template and ways to interact with them from the modules, as well as a full translation of the base interface.

© Arthur Grand, 2011–2025
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